The International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems was initiated in 1995 as a forum to present and
discuss the fundamentals, progress and actual trends in the area of Environmental Software Systems, in terms of
methods, tools and state-of-the-art environmental informatics applications.
Welcome to - the one-stop-shop for ISESS publications
This site contains a complete collection of material of the International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems
(ISESS). ISESS is an international conference on environmental informatics. Conference topics include environmental
monitoring and information systems, decision support systems, environmental modelling, data and service infra-
structures, earth observation and many more.
The conference takes place in odd-numbered years. In even-numbered years ISESS organizes specific workshops,
often in collaboration with the IEMSS conference series. The conference is organized by Working Group Computers
and Environment (WG 5.11) of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Due to changes in IFIP
publishers over the years, ISESS has been published through different channels. Some publications are print books,
others online books, others CDROMs or USBs, some are special journal issues and some have been published under
IFIP ISBN in the IFIP Series. Since 2011 the ISESS publisher is Springer.
This website contains
An ISESS overview document containing the complete information (in PDF)
Information about all ISESS conferences (links to sources, TOCs and original USBs / CDROMs)
Information about all ISESS co-organized events
ISESS was founded in 1995 by Ralf Denzer (Environmental Informatics Group, EIG) and Gerald Schimak (Austrian Institute of
Technology, AIT), with great support of our first host David Russell (Pennsylvania State University).